Thursday, March 06, 2025


Give me a day in countryside and it will be for sure a day to seize up for a lifetime. One has preferences in life that differ to others but I always feel life in the province is haven because it is undeniably abundant of tranquility and simplicity I need. Life in the province is unhurried and lay back but it doesn't matter for it gives the pureness and freshness our life may chase, from fresh air you need to breathe to organic foods you want to eat. It may oversuse to say but really it has clean air that we really need most. It is really different fresh soothing air in the provinces, something that you will really know once you crossed the frontier from the last province to the next first bustling mega city.

Life in the countryside gives you the humility and simplicity in life. Living there is not complicated and demanding but it doesn't mean not challenging. It is just a matter of your capacity how to define the challenges. There is given connection with nature like the sunflowers looking up to the sky like gazing at God's face, that sound of chirping birds, flying colorful butterflies perching on the vibrant flowers and flickering fireflies are glowing when darkness has come. Countryside has rich in stunning coastlines, relaxing music from sea waves, enlivening green mountain and forest, the inviting golden rice fields and all of these under the refreshing blue skies above and between the open spaces surround just show us to witness the paradise found on this earth.

I am always longing that spirit of going back to simplicity because it is good for the peaceful mind, heart, and soul.


There is something sober during dawn; it is cold, quite and the darkness covers everything outside. The four o'clock of dawn is slow. The skies have no light of stars neither of moon but the sunbeams from setting sun tell it will rise and cross the horizon very soon. And the loud crows of the roosters relentlesly heard accross the neighborhood.

And that the day starts. The sun has risen illuminating the whole town, so calm and neat. The lower clouds are slowly fading away until the silent beauty of the skies uncovered. Look up the soaring high trees where their lush leaves are shading the soil. But the sunlight is passing through between the lush leaves of the trees and their twigs, like dropping down effect of a peaceful and serene dappled sunlight shining through in a forest in a misty morning. But the moist on the dried leaves fallen off the ground delays its crumble, nonetheless their smell makes soothing source of relaxation.

And the town has unfolded to this magnificent view: morning is soft and calm. The nice lines of neighborhood and wide backyards, the plants are fresh as watered, the soil is damp though it did not rain last night. There are droplets of morning dew that make every morning in the province as cold as December. The spiders are weaving their web, the caterpillars are crawling along tiny stems and there are hopping grasshoppers like popping out anywhere. The ants hills are there in every rich soil, its working colony of ants are walking in straight single line to find foods and store them for rainy season.

Just taking a look at these is refreshing as morning shower before starting the daily routine. The smell of garlic from fried rice is blending with the distinct scent of freshly and hot baked bread, and the aroma of hot coffee; they fill warmness on the cool early morning in this small distant town. You will love to bring that coffee to the garden to slurping it while warming your soul until it last.

And there the twittering birds in the window, they are the early birds catch the worms like the people starting their day by day routine. The sound of chopping woods, some are sweeping the yard, there are motor pump boats' chuff-chuff-chuff-rrroooaaarrr in the nearby river, the screaming sound of feeding hogs, and the carabaos are heading to paddy fields. Few motorcycle start to sound for travelling, while some children walk going to school, and the working class are heading to job, and so the pets dogs and cats to their favorite spot. These are the usual early morning sceneries in the simplicity of countryside.


The high noon in  the countryside is always poetic,  with the vibrant clear skies colored of sunlight kissing the entire terrain, and the long road of high-way is laid straightly where in both sides are  the greeneries on the foot of the mountain are and on the other side are the golden rice field during the summer afternoon. The detailed landscape of the rustic place is telling us the simple and serene place no matter how it has grown now, still the county vibes exude.

Just a usual walk in the barrio roads unearthed the different colorful flowers in the neighborhood's bamboo fences, there are white Camia, yellow Santan, and Boungainvillea, some are fuchsia and others are tangerine and lavender. The butterflies and bees are going from one flower to another. Fruit-bearing trees are there too in front or at the back of the houses. And the scent of dried straw piled in the nearest barn, the smell of muddy road leading to the riversides and the fresh air at twelve high-noon, every piece in the broad light town vividly uncovered right in front of our very naked eyes.

And when many have taken the nap, the ensemble of natural music comes in. The chirping birds accompanied by the whistling sound of the breeze and humming of the twigs that echoing with the second voice of the green leaves from towering old trees. The mother earth's lullaby just put to sleep every awakened soul into the cradle of her swinging arms; they are indeed music to the ears. The air is quite warm but not sultry to perspire. While some may not fall asleep for they have labor to do in the paddy field, resting in a bamboo bed or a hummock under the shade of mango tree while listening to the afternoon drama on the battery radio.

Life in the province is very simple. Everything in the afternoon in the countryside look-like symphony of natural piece of art.


It is past three o'clock in the afternoon and the sky is dark from the gray layered clouds looming of heavy and load of rain. There is coldness in the blowing blusterously and can hear the chaotic whistling sound of them. Until the drizzles started to drip, and the drops became dots on the ground. By this time, not a soul would be like but to go home until the heavy rain falls.

Staying at home while listening to the rhythm of the falling rain, hearing the noisy patters tapping on the tin roof, the strong gust of the wind, the rolling sound of thunder, rain easily gives the melancholy ambience of dark skies and the lethargy of locked in darkness and sorrow.

There are zigzag sparks accross the skies and next is the earsplitting sound and scary strike of lightning. Dancing to the tune of rain are the towering trees with those fine splash of rain blown by wind. The rainwater just keeps pouring through every roof catch into eave. Every soul knows and wishes, this will pass and stop, until it looks the raindrops are fading.

And after the rain, you will see the quiet beauty of nature. Everything were washed and cleansed, they look fresh and new. The dust on the road were washed away and the flowers are more vivid than before. There are beautiful droplets like diamonds, from the tip of the leaves dropping to dripping ground and creating "plink" sounds of every drop, and tiny circle waves on it. And the ducks go out from their pen and go down into the ponds enjoying the built-up rainwater. All over the place are water, the potholes on the road, some are from flowing thru elves down to ditches and all are leading to river, and the sound of the stream from rivers to the sea.

And there is the distinct smell after the rain like the natural scent of unearthed soil, the smell of washed grass along the road and bamboo trees in the riverside, and the dried woods that had drenched for a while. And then the very beautiful rainbow across the cozy skies has just appeared. Some may not want the rain but for every after rain there is the promise of pure and fresh start.


When the six o' clock in the evening comes, the town is starting to pack-up their things declaring done for that day. The dragonflies know they need to hurry up. The flock of birds are swirling until they roost in hollow trees for their overnight shelter. The flowers are giving their last shot for the day waving good bye for for now, some are withering like the transient bloomer Morning Glory flowers and Daylily, while others like Poppy flowers are folding their petals preserving for another spectacular display and beautiful day tomorrow.

The shadows of the trees, houses, light  posts, and anything are stretching long on the ground that seems they are growing and chasing the setting sun. The golden rays are painting the whole surrounding in a translucent tangerine that makes gloomy felling of parting ways. The breeze is colder here in the beautiful seashore line that little by little vanishing under the dusk. And yes, the horizon is waiting the sun slowly setting in the west during this unfolding drama of the breathtaking sunset reflecting in the calm sea water like a masterpiece in a canvass.

While the night is gently falling, the nocturnal bats go out from their hideout to search their foods. And the steeet becomes empty, the voices and laughters are fading until gone. People are now in their home, even the stray dogs are finding their place they used to home nightlong. And the street has turned into ghost town-like. The frogs' croaking fill the silence, along with the frogs' calling is the chirping sound from crickets. And the sparkling fireflies are so lovely while resting on the trees. And the night-time plants like Dama de Noche simply romanticize the darkness of the evening.

Completing the night are the stars glittering in the darkness, illuminating moon throws its light reflecting the moonlight in every leave of the trees. And once the night has came and the darkness covered the whole town, it's another day has just passed. Life in countryside is not just the simplicity it is known for, indeed it has many memories, wonderful moments, countless stories, different events and emotions that stand as life's rich tapestry. And when you witness its wonderful world from sun up to sun down, you will whishper of "It's nice I'm home".

Seeing these sceneries again when going to countryside is something that really reminds nothing more than life and home. And you will feel the nostalgia of life in the province where there's no loud sound of screaming horns and motor engines, no skycraping buildings blocking the blue skies view, and no bustling sound of the densely populated city. It is always nice going back to where it all started, it simply brings back the times of our childhood, and you will wish of the impossible time machine to go back to the past even it is just a day in a life in countryside.