Thursday, March 07, 2024


At times when we need to let go of things we have held for a long time.  They could be personal old stuffs that become pile up already, or sentimental things with value that have lost the meaning, let them go for someone may need them more than we do.  Sometimes the meaning of sentimental value becomes deceiving when the very purpose of it doesn’t serve the correct feelings.  Maybe we really don’t need them and we are just on the material than the nostalgic value.


Letting go is for immaterial too – emotion, behavior, character.  It could be the feelings of fear, guilt, envy, pessimism, holding grudges that become burden, let them go for our mental heath’s sake.  It could be the unrealistic goals, remorse, trauma or bad memories, and unforgiving that hold us back, let them go for our peace of mind. Get rid of being crazy, unload those personalities and experiences for your fresh start and moving on.


And letting go could be a person that needs to let go for good sake.  Family, friendship, colleague; we could be in five, ten, thirteen years together but if the circumstances tell, so be it.  Sometimes even we are in good term with each other for that long, even there is actually no issue between us, we need to accept one of us has to go for the good and we need to be apart because this is what it is called for.


It doesn’t mean that we have issue or conflict with the person, and it doesn’t mean we do not care but if it is for betterment and possible good opportunities ahead, that is indeed more than caring so why preempt either anyone or both of us?  It is better let us go because there are opportunities come that we can seize up if we are on our own.  And some people do come and go in our life to shape us and give something to make us better person.


Letting each one of us goes doesn’t mean that we will not be in touch anymore.  We are just at a distance and not seeing each other but in reality, there will be continued connection and open communication in between.  To sum these up, it doesn’t mean to let go per se is goodbye, but the beginning of something that needs.


And for those relationships that are going through difficult times and still trying to fixing the irresolvable differences, learn the art of letting go.  In relationships that are on the rock, there are things better off if separately.  There are things you can do better if you are on your own.  You are pulling each other down when you are always in contrast and this makes you both preempting your growth.  This is the realization that some people are meant to meet and know each other to be part of their life story but not their destiny.


Letting go someone or something you don’t have favorable feeling is easy but on the things you really want to the moon and back is a hard effort. Letting it go is always sad, accepting it is always difficult.  Change is never easy.  We need to learn acceptance.  To accept, we need to understand and understanding is not just knowing what is going on but more than that is agreeing to why it is happening.  Look at the other sides of the story and always put yourself in other’s shoe to come up a fair judgment.  True enough, letting go will make you feel better and easier.  I think this is the art of letting go.  


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