Sunday, August 01, 2021


The Filipinos, especially those staunched conservatives have so many old superstition beliefs that had been became part of our culture and traditions.  Some of them can be reasonable and others are seems to be unrealistic that just fool us but they are still happening until these modern days because usually most of us just thought nothing is wrong and nothing will lose if we will follow them.  And because of our natural big appreciation to our parents, family and elders, we are compelled to follow and do those superstitions because we do not want them to get offended, disobey them and feel them disregarded.

But some of superstitions are really questionable, some will blow you away and you will just shrug them off because simply they just don’t matter to you and they are not your issue.  Others are we simply cannot imagine the truth on them because they are practically impossible, but sometimes our decision depends here.  By chance or not and depends on our belief, these superstitions can change our life if we will follow or not.

Most of the time, I do not believe in superstition because most of them have no connection in real life.  There are few I do especially if it is about human life but for me, if superstition is far impossible, unrealistic, ridiculous, and lacks in common sense and logic – by far I do not follow.  For instance, sweeping the floor at night is bad because it takes away the blessings and lucks.  Another situation is never prepare chicken dish during New Year because your fortune will fly like a bird; or you will have a year of hen-like scratching the ground and pecking to find foods per day.  I just do not see the logic of sweeping the blessings that you worked hard, and the capability of the hen against your work hard.

I do not follow superstition if it is not practical.  There is superstition that donations for the deceased should be consumed and spent.  If there is any leftover then spend it on things for the deceased.  This is just right if you were indebted from medication and internment.  But if you have already provided the corresponding needs and dues for the bereaved person, yet there is still remaining money, for me it is not practical to squander it like beautifying the tomb just to follow the superstition.

If superstition will impede or deter other people, I will not do it.   If it disturbs, obstructs and perverts other people like someone cannot come to your office because of the incense that you believe repels negative energies.  Also, you should not leave the dining table if someone unmarried is not yet through because that person might not able get married.  I don’t like this because I do not want to bother other people just for my issue.

I am not following superstition if it prevents an opportunity.  I don’t believe in bad reputation or negative belief and impression about number 13.  How if an opportunity came to you but you cannot grab it because it coincides with Friday the 13th or a black cat crossed your way or you are about to meet a funeral car along your way?

Following superstition is really depends on the person.  For me, if you don’t want then it is fine as long as you do not poke fun, insult and mock it.  Just let the believers in their belief as sign of respect.  Usually superstitions have no strong truth.  Everything is just coincidental as hypothetical because there is no solid proof and explanation that superstitions are indeed the cause of what is happening.  What we need is to live fairly, work hard and pray to God that our life become the good for us and for our family.

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