Thursday, August 04, 2016


Some of us used to have a philosophy in life, personal motto, principle, belief, quotation, saying, slogan, adage, and etcetera.  Whatever you call it, they have common purpose in our life – to help us.  It doesn’t need to be from famous personalities and books to have your philosophy in life.  You can consider creating your own one that fits your mission in life and adopt it in your life.  It doesn’t need to be a poetic or dramatic one, just make life’s motto a statement for you that you can do. 

I learned to set a personal philosophy in life to serve as guidance in making a decision.  I knew its importance because it reminds me of my values, conscience, roles, my stand who am I and what I want to be.   You can have various mottos in life about your ambition, family, career, business, and study.  My principle is simple: “Do your things simple”.  I mean, be simple by living the simplicity in life because it is easier to find success and happiness if you are simple.  People said the simpler the better because less is more.  But more than these, having philosophy in life helps me when I am confused to come up a decision whether it is about my work, relationships, interests and plans.

I can have a dozen and one philosophies like when I told myself “If it is for you, it will come and happen for you”, I become the person easy to learn the art of acceptance and letting go, no regrets but lessons and experience for I know everything happens for reasons.   If I believe it’s really meant to me, time will make a way to make it mine again.  When bad things happened, I take it blessings in disguise because I know there is something better for me.  “Everything is in His perfect time”.  In work, “treat the company as you own” and eventually you will have that love to your job.  You will learn to take care of it, contribute ideas, savings and you will become asset than liability to the company.  I think if everyone will feel the same way, we will have a productive and healthy working environment.

These are just some of quotations that we can use as our philosophy in life.   I just want to emphasize here the importance of having your life in a motto you chose.  Personal but realistic, no matter how small or big it is will make keep your values and goals strong.  Whether or not your philosophy in life sounds amazing, remarkable, ordinary, unbelievable or wrong to others, at the end of the day, philosophy in life makes you to become true to yourself, value self respect and gain self worthwhile because personal philosophy is yourself that you look up to.  In times you are confused and you need help, go back to your philosophy to give you strength in your character, inspiration and direction.  After all, you are believing on your philosophy on the first place so most likely you are sure you are doing it right.  No matter how people blame you on your decision, you just made self respect to yourself and this is cannot taken away from you.  

There are times I write my life’s motto in a piece of paper and post it in my bedroom that every time I see it, I inspire to strive achieving it.  The sense of inspiration makes me to focus on the direction that I want to take.  There is nothing more fulfilling and satisfying if you live your principle because to keep your principle in life a real philosophy that you follow is important to make you a person with dignity.

By Alex V. Villamayor
August 4, 2016 

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