Sunday, January 19, 2025


Always misunderstood, coffee has a bad reputation as not good drink because of caffeine, which is the first thing that always comes to our mind just when hearing about it or thinking of it. But supprisingly, coffee with the right amount is actually good. What makes it bad is if you add sugar or creamer. Coffee contains antioxidants. And wait, there are more that you cannot think of what you can get from coffee that are linked to several health benefits.

Coffee is good for health of our heart, liver and brain. Coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer a stroke. A cup or two a day may support the weak heart to pump enough blood to our body. Our liver condition can be protected thru getting liver enzyme levels from coffee. Our blood sugar level is regulated from the produced insulin and processed glucose that will help lowering the risk of type-2 diabetes. And our cells, coffee reduces fissures in our DNA strands thus make it stronger and repaired our cells.

In terms of diseases, coffee drinkers are less likely get colon cancer, kidney disease, and heart disease. The caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant that keeps our adrenalin rush makes our brain active and it is good for our brain because it gives us significant protection agaisnt risk of Alzhiemer's disease. Similarly, caffeine is linked to less likely develop Parkinson's disease. Coffee has active substance that may reduce internal inflamation and protect against disease.

It serves as energizer. Coffee boosts our energy levels. From the early morning we wake up when we want to get lively to start the day with that cup of coffee up to late night we need to counter the sleepy mood while catching up some stuff before we end the day, coffee does its job. In fact, coffee may enhance an athletic performance, that's how coffee heightens our energy level. And did you know that coffee contributes to a lower risk of depression?

"But first, coffee" - it is how you start your day. Life starts after coffee, it kickstarts our morning. With these good things about the good sides of coffee, overall drinking coffee in moderation like three or four cups a day could increases longevity and is considered safe in general. But take note it is not for all because those who have unmanaged blood pressure need to control their coffee. As disclaimer, this is merely for information purposes only and should not substitute any medical tratment.

Let me end this with these three notable quotes that feel good to ponder. "Coffee is God's gift to mankind" quoted by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Fran Drescher said "Once you wake up and smell the coffee, it is hard to go back to sleep". And "But even a bad cup of coffee is better than no coffee at all" by David Lynch.

I am not a coffee person but I do really appreciate having a cup of dark and strong coffee every morning especially like before starting the works. I like the comfort it gives when the temperature is freezing during winter, or when there is rain with thunder and cold wind, or when I am in high land places. I love its companionship whenever I am in travel both in-flight or waiting in bus terminals. Also a cup of coffee while camping specially during break of the dawn is a serene feeling that is for keep.

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