You are what you eat. Surely you will become underweight and skinny, get skin dryness, muscle loss, and have mental retardation when you eat less excessively. On the other hand you will become overweight when you eat too much. You'll get cancers when you eat more red meat, you'll have heart disease and stroke, diabetes, and kidney stones failure when you eat more fats, cholesterol, sugar, and sodium. Eating too much is really not good but those scrumptious, tasty, and aromatic foods are indeed so satisfying, very tempting, and addictive to eat again and again. So, how do I resist tempts of eating them over and over again? I am not a fan of measuring every calorie intake. I do not read nutrition books by heart from A to Z and follow those health tips religously. I am just using calculation and estimate only. Here how I do my diet routine to handle tempts:
First: simplicity. I made it simple. My meals are basic, they are fast and easy. Whatever I cooked for breakfast is also for my lunch and if there is excess it will be for dinner, and they are all vegetables-based. I do it every day during weekdays, and that would be at least five days in a week. Take the foods in natural as much as you can - do not overdo with so many flavors, and not processed.
Then, I control the rice and the source of my carbohydrate by removing them on my meals. I can just have them back when weekend but sometimes I can pass them because my body is already used to omit them in weekdays. Train yourself to always go back to the basic.
Second: watch sweet, fats, and sodium. I stay away from sweet not because I have diabetes but I just don't like sweet. I don't put sugar, creamer, or milk on my coffee or tea and I don't buy soda for drinks, or cookies, doughnuts, and confectionery for finger foods, and etc.
I don't have uric acid, gout, and heart problem why I avoid red meat, meat products, entrails foods, and pastries but because I am not a fan of those rich in cholesterol and saturated fats foods.
Processed foods are usually not in my list when doing grocery. You will not find canned foods, instant noodles, and junk foods in my basket because I just want to avoid sodium. Possible in very rare instances as added ingredients but normally not.
Third: make reservation. I start the day without taking sugar, fats, rice and meat in the morning. I simply control my foods in the morning. Why, because I am not sure if I can eat any of them until the rest of the day like when lunch or dinner comes, or even meal times, someone will invite me for lunch out that I cannot say no to. Almost everything we eat from market has sugar, salt, and fats so as much as possible I avoid eating those foods in my daily routine. I did not totally cut eating fancy foods but surely it is in very occassional times. I am happy for that and I don't feel I am depriving myself. Learn to know what occassional really means.
If I do all these things in at least five successive days, then I will not be guilty if I eat festive foods once, twice, or even trice in the next few days and no huge impact on my health because to sum up, my five days dietary routine still weight more. And this is exactly the reason why as much as possible I do not always accept all invitations to parties because more often than not, the foods on these events are processed, more cholesterol, and sweet. If you will always go to every dining for the sake of being in the loop, believe me you cannot really control your diet. Definitely we know when we are having too much but the question is how to put stop on it, and here will take how you use discipline.
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