Saturday, June 12, 2021



Q: How do you help the Environment?

A: Starting from the easiest one, I always ensure that I don’t do littering.  This is a very simple thing but for others is very difficult to do.  I don’t throw trash anywhere.  I’ll find the proper place or else my pocket will be my garbage bin.  This is so small thing that if we will do altogether – it will make a huge difference.  This is my basic, and then it can be followed by other ways like supporting green movement, energy conservation, recycling, paperless work, etc.


Hypothetical question

Q: Which comes first, chicken or egg?

A: The chicken comes first before egg because to have egg, there must be a hen and a rooster to form the egg.  Chicken can lay eggs while the egg will never give chicken without hen hatching who laid it.

On the spiritual point of view, there was no pair of eggs seen in the Noah’s ark during the great flood but it was the pair of hen and rooster therefore egg did not come first.  And in Genesis, God created all animals, not the eggs.


Question in a Presidential debate

Q: What would be the first thing will you do if you were the President?

A: If I were the President, the first thing that I will do is to uplift the life of the Filipino people by generating more well-paid jobs.  Addressing this priority, I think the rest of the economic and political issue will gradually follow.  More jobs mean more money that circulates in the market that will reduce the inflation rate until controlled.  And with the large volume of money, it will create more and more jobs, get big tax and give more productive economy.  And in return the government can create more services to its people, making them to enjoy the right to live peacefully, secured, free and abundantly.


From Q and A contests

Q: If you could give advice to your younger self, what would you say and why?

A: I would tell to myself to follow your heart, that is without harming others, so that you would not regret your life for not trying it because time will come you will realize that no matter how much you try or you wanted, you cannot go back to the lost times. 

Without trying, how will you know?  As long as you are being fair, go for it.  You may fail, or you can be in harm but your pure intention will equate the consequences.  Without trying, things could be your best lesson or maybe the greatest achievement that you never had.

In the end, it is better to reminisce the old good days than to regret the lost times.


Q: If you could have super power, what would it be and why?

A: I want to have the power to be invisible because I would like to help the investigation of crimes by watching the both sides of the parties involved.  I want to discover their secrets and use these to serve the justice.


Q: What is more important to you; to be rich or to be beautiful?

A: I will choose to be rich because it is easier to become beautiful if you are rich rather than the other way around.  But aside from physical attribute, I will still choose to be rich because in our world today, it is easier to help if you have all the means and the full resources to help.


Q: What do you want – to be rich but ugly or handsome but poor?

A: Although it both happen the rugs to riches story and from ugly to beautiful, but I prefer to become rich but ugly.  It is easier to improve your personality if you have the riches rather than you will just start to get rich.  If you are well off, you have the advantages like good school, good connection, good stuff and of course the money.

I really wanted to have charity and I could easily do it effortless if I am rich.  While there is no guarantee to become overnight successful, there are ways to improve the look, after all beauty is subjective and it is in the eyes of the beholder.


Q: If you were given a chance to choose to become beautiful but not too smart or very smart and not too beautiful, what would you prefer to be and why?


A: To become smart because when you are smart you can make yourself beautiful.  You can enhance yourself, with surgery or without.  You can make poems to make you beautiful, you can make arts to make you beautiful.  For me it’s to become smart.


My 2nd answer after analyzing the question: I would choose the first one- to become beautiful but not too smart because it means you are still smart, although not too smart.  So I would be beautiful and still smart.


From various showbiz interviews

Q: What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done in your life?

A: I have some in the closet from since childhood, but as a young adult, I stole a sandwich spread.  It was this famous brand of liver spread.  I always craved for it because it was tasty but for a middle-class family like mine, it was extravagance because of the price.  So one day while I was in a variety store, I was able to pick the spread and took it home.

But the thing is, I didn’t enjoy it when I ate it, and I felt guilty.  My takeaway on it: success is not sweet if you did not work hard for it.


In a celebrity interview

Q: If you’re not a human being, what do you want to be?

A: I want to be air.  I want to be in this world.  I want to touch everybody and everything like the trees and the structures.  I want to stay and always around.


Q: If you could be an animal, what would it be and why?

A: I want to be a bird because I want to fly high, up and close to the sky and look below in the bird’s eye view the land and sea.  I always enjoy watching and looking up to the sky the flying birds and I feel so nice to fly. 


Q: If you were a fruit, what would you be and why?

A: If I were a fruit, I would be a wax apple (makopa).  It’s nothing related to my personality.  I just simply like it because as a child this was the fruit that I can’t get enough.  For me it was not tiring to eat.

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