Thursday, January 25, 2024

HELLO 2024, THANKS 2023

In a company luncheon gathering just the beginning of the new year, the host asked some of the attendees to say what are you looking forward for new year-2024.  The respondents expressed their gratefulness for the fairness of the company.  Caring, teamwork and feeling at home – these are just some of the thoughts about the company being heard.  Me, while processing the thoughts just in case the mic turns to me, although I am not spontaneous when it comes to impromptu situation like this but I really tried hard to come up with my statement.

I would like to congratulate each and every one of us for completing the year 2023, and it was not just completed just complete it like that but we completed it with flying colors.  And with that being said, I can say we can complete the year 2024 even more flying colors, I mean even better than the year before.  Why? Because we ended the previous year good and it made us to start the year good.

We are in the good position, if we are in good start, then we can deal the coming challenges with belief in ourselves that we can beat them because we are in a good start, we are in a nice position to start the year right and in better position.  We have that opportunity to be smart, to be equipped, to be confident because the good opportunity is on our side.  Because the year 2023 gave us the strength and brought us where we are now.

I think if we will make this as our personal dogma, if we will put it into our life, if we will put in to our heart to end each year good to have a good start in new year, then there is no doubt that we can go up to the highest because we become better year after year, after year.  So, this is my reflection – if we do the year good, then we have that chance to better ourselves until released the best in us.

That was my supposed statement I developed to say if I will be called on but was not.  Looking back to this message, and if I will say it now as not impromptu message, then I want to say that “2023 was a significant year that empowered our position in the industry into a promising beginning.  Starting stronger, bigger, richer, and correctly, there is great opportunity for all of us to make our existence remarkable, powerful, and successful.  We are firmed on the right track, all we need to do is to carefully sustain it if we cannot exceed it.  Because of our fruitful 2023, it makes sense that year 2024 will be better than previous year because that year put us in advantageous position.  We will win over the challenges, we will meet our goals, and we will set the benchmark higher for the next year.  All these is because of ending 2023 gracefully that the year just made us ready, mightier and smarter”.

“In our life, if we have this principle, then undoubtedly sooner or later we will go up on top because we are strong, upgraded, growing, and learning every year”.

2023 was quite good to me.  I cannot say it was best and definitely was not bad.  It was just not remarkable so to speak but there were more good things that I am grateful for than the other way around.  I will make 2024 better than the year was.  I want to strengthen and broaden my goals, appreciate more my family and friends, and deepen my faith in God to make my journey to the dream life in the very near future will be healthy and easy.