Tuesday, December 28, 2021



A year in review.  It’s time of the year to look back in the past 12 months and see how it was going.  So, Here are my top-5 stories for year 2021




I joined in this Daily Steps contest.  Although I knew then that it’s hitting the moon to win, because I was not aware of the mechanic.  I didn’t know because I was 2 days late but I still joined to challenge myself if I can make a 15 T daily steps, which I can.


Then halfway, I set a 50 T steps target and I did.  Towards the end, I planned to break my 50 T steps just before the competition ends, and I made it to 80 T.  But behind these personal accomplishments & personal happiness, I was doubted faking that 50 K steps or that 80 K steps. Of course not.




I don’t usually show but this one… it’s something I like.  This one is not to brag.  This is just to record how I feel about it.


For once I like to have a place for errand works serving as utility area, or dirty kitchen. It is ideal for heavy cooking.  And since it is outdoor, roasting can be done without getting smoke inside.  I like the idea of having first stop coming from market, before going inside the house.  And I like the feel of using a kitchen in an open air.  It gives a resort-feel vibe and I am just simply excited

to use it when I get home.



For about 9 years or more I am not celebrating my birthday the usual way we do – which is thru foods. Instead, I do something worth to commemorate my b-day.  But this year, I decided to celebrate my birthday because it was my thanksgiving that inspite of and despite of the pandemic, I am able to reach my age today.  For once, it was a nice feeling to experiencing this again.





To hit the SSS 200 contributions is an accomplishment for me.  It’s a story to tell for me.


Looking forward the pensions that I will receive soon makes me excited. But more than that, it is the feeling of freed from hardwork  - that is the overwhelming part.  Imagine you were paying sum of your money.  For more than 15 years and you have realized how much you have endured.  And I looked back how I started, to the struggling years of my beginning.


Putting all of them together, that is the worth to include the 200th mark as my top story.



To receive recognition for the dedication and contribution to the company that I am serving is one of the highlights of my career.  I feel really appreciated and valued, knowing the times and efforts I put forth were acknowledged and I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my management for initiating such recognition for us, as Contractor employees.  It gives me inspiration to remain focused, be more dedicated and be the better version of my work.

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