Saturday, December 30, 2023

DEAR 2023

Three days before year 2023 ends, I wanted to sum up how the year has passed to me.  When the year is about to end every year, I’m used to do a year look back to see how the year has fared.  I am basically emotional in ending the year that made me older again, for not achieving the goals, and about the saddening events in country, in the world, and in our planet.  But I need to go on and be strong to looking forward the hope, good fortune, and the promise of new year.

Right after Christmas, I always feel the remaining days towards the end of the year seem so fast, irrelevant and no more bearing.  One week, six days, or five days, I have a feeling of those passing days are just formality to end the year technically.  I feel the last days of the year seem to be nothing and I don’t feel them anymore.  There are still birthdays of friends, there is Rizal Day holiday, and the Ninos Inocentes day but really I don't realize it anymore because they seem to go by so fast.  The New Year is calling, it is waiving and time is counting down.  Before the year ends, I want to reminisce what happened during the year.

Two days before the new year comes, I want to thank the small and tangible things I have achieved.  I want to appreciate simple things that happened during the year.  I want to relive the happiness I felt.  There are good and not so good but I still thankful to those not good for making me harder and wiser.  The year was not actually tough to me.  It was not rough, hard and sad though it was not smooth-sailing and did not pamper me but all in all, 2023 is indeed reminding me to count my blessings than make self-pity.  Yes, there were downsides but I have to accept why they happened and make their reasons blessings.

I want to thank the friendships I have today.  It may be just in our whereabouts today but for sure I will appreciate your being part of my life when the time we set our feet home.  Some of us are in distance but I really want to tell you guys are my friends that I want to have.  I maybe so quiet, unresponsive and expressive but if I can just teach my feelings to be talkative and initiative, I wish I could.  I want to appreciate the person who is doing effort to please me for all the crazy things I did and reminded me to not blame the guilt I feel about the person that I am.  And to my family, thank you for your nonstop kindness to me.   The small kids that I really love, they remind me how I was with you before I left our home 20 years ago.  We have missed so many things together but our life is meant to be like this.

As 2023 comes to near end, I am taking a step closer to the life I am dreaming of.  Today I am becoming excited to the coming new years because I am getting closer and closer to the new chapter of my life that I have been waiting long years ago.  Thank you 2023 for bringing me to Siargao and Hinatuan, this will not happen in the next few years if I did not pursue it this year.

I do not usually believe in new year superstitions but I always believe in meditation every time the old and new year meet.  I have to feel the sadness of pains and failures of the past twelve months but I have to look forward the joy and accomplishments of the new twelve months that they may bring.  Above all, I always trust God the process.  Thank you and bye 2023 and hello 2024.

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