Friday, November 30, 2012


“Happy birthday to me”.  I don’t like any gift, all I want is just greet from friends.

I’ve been emotional just right after the month of November has comes.  Same in the previous years, I’ve been becoming sensitive and sentimental the moment November has started.  Every year, I am hoping and expecting that my friends and some in-particular would have remembered me on my birthday on November 30.

Immediate family is given, with or without mentioning, they will give their messages, cards and greetings.  But for those out from a family circle, knowing that they find time and effort to greet you is something exciting which is different from what your family gives.

I do not write my big day on my social media account because I want to be remembered without reminding anyone.  Same with telling it to anyone just to have surprise, I don’t want to show it off that someone gave me gift.  I told to my family to send their messages privately because I really want to keep it undisclosed, I’m not really into fanfare.

As early as this year, I planned to spend this day as normal.  We always have the impression of every birthday, we are celebrating it with foods to give thanks for reaching another year.  But I’ve realized, celebrating it should not just through party to show your gratitude.  There are still other ways – just need to find it.

Spending it as normal is not mine alone.  I asked for the sign and it was given.  So I did nothing but when the day has come, there were foods on the table prepared by my friends, the first time I had like this.  More than the feeling of shame and guilt, I’ve realized the reason why I didn’t need to prepare food is for me to get to know the real people around me.

I would like to thank first my immediate family who never misses every year to greet me.  Thanks also to my friends overseas who never fail to remember me today.  Thanks also to my group here who surprised me with lunch.  Though it should not be surprise anymore when I saw some of you were busy but when it’s up there, there’s really the feeling of surprise.  Thanks to Jojo Villamor, Arnel Nacpil and Butch Loayon for their menus.  I would like to thank Butch for the nice poster, Auric Perez for the card, happy birthday too to you – we’re both same day.  Special thanks to my Mareng Linda and inaanak Princess.  Thanks to my friend Enting for call, and to Mr. Chito the very first one who called me over the phone.  AND, to all of you who bzzz me on facebook – thanks to all.

I started this day saying my prayer of thanks.  And I will not last this day without giving Him again my thanks.

By Alex V. Villamayor

November 30, 2012

Khobar, KSA

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