Friday, November 06, 2020


In light of Pope Francis Benedict’s comments in support of same-sex civil union, I do not go against it because for me civil union is for civil and social rights.  It is civil union, not the sacrament and covenant of marriage.  And it doesn't contradict my objection in same sex marriage because on my understanding, one of the purposes of marriage in spiritual point of view is the doctrine of procreation and multiplication.  Civil union is for civil rights of all gender.  For me, marriage is for man and woman.  But let us not set side the battle cry of the gays and lesbians.  Most of the time, the common impression of the general public about their causes is about their feelings.  People are thinking it is too much to ask for what they are fighting for.  But it is not all about the emotions or label of relationships but more than these is their civil rights that are enclosed in what we already heard SOGIE (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression).


Let’s admit it, there are so many people in 3rd sex group who have deprived of their rights, opportunity, happiness and success.  Many have been preempted, or lost their opportunity, job promotion and even education because the gauge doesn’t concur with SOGIE of the person.  There are those who were denied the access to public program, health and medical services, those who were refused to provide goods and services, and all these are just because of their gender preference.  They have been marching equality and acceptance.  And it still happens in real life even at these days, many of them have been discriminated, harassed and subjected to physical and verbal attack.  Actually, there are groups that organize events that incite bigotry against the 3rd sex.  These are the real and painful dilemma that those in the 3rd sex go through and fighting for, along with right to conjugal properties and same sex marriage which I don’t support despite of our modern days.


Being in the third sex, it is off for same-sex marriage not for the capability to multiply but because of our origin since Genesis.  It’s their sad reality.  There is nothing wrong with being gay/lesbian because they too are creations of God.  It is not sin to become.  What makes it wrong and sin is when we go against the Words of God.  Give the civil rights because it is for every citizen.  Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God because this is the word of God.  Sacredness of marriage is to man and woman.  Gays and lesbians have causes that are rights but there are also not right, and same-sex marriage is one.  This is religion, go to civil where it is acceptable.  Procreation needs biological compatibility to fortify their flock.  Civil union needs two persons preference to become legal.  Either of the two, the essence of marriage is to ensure the preservation of the human species to continue the human race.  Adopting may fill up the needs but doesn’t make complete the very idea of a family that has the images of father and mother.


Being gay and lesbian has been an old unpopular perception and stigma in our society and faith.  Millions of men and women way back in the old-old times have already suffered because of this injustice.  First of all, being gay (and lesbian) is not inherited and it is not by choice.  Did the straight men and women need to choose their sexual identities?  No, because their sexual identities are inborn just like with gays/lesbians, therefore it is by birth.  If each child goes through the same path that confuses their preferences and they chose to be a boy or girl, then being of 3rd sex is by choice.   But it’s no, not all children have been in that confusing stage, therefore being in the third gender is inborn or natural trait.  It is not a disease that needs to heal from, that to heal it is to get married.  Getting married is by choice and doesn’t cure because at the end, the attraction to same sex is still there but has just learned to suppress it.  But because of stigma, some have denied it and some have forced themselves to ignore their emotion, or live alone.


“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?  We shouldn’t marginalize people for this.  They must be integrated into society” – Pope Francis Benedict.

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