Monday, May 25, 2020


By nature I am homebody.  I can stay a whole day or more days just in a home. But staying at home during total lockdown due to COVID-19 is something else. I can't really enjoy it knowing the reason why you're inside the house is that there is threat outside. Knowing that threat is coming closer and our world is getting smaller.  I cannot  enjoy home because of the threat of COVID-19.

I am full of worries. Knowing that you know some people are in isolation and anyone may become positive.  And you feel life is so fast.  That things can happen in a matter of few days and those unfortunate patients can demise.  And it is scary that everybody can be infected regardless of health condition, age, sex, and status.  You believe you are healthy but it's not guarantee. You know you can be infected and the consolation you can hold on is your good immune system will fight for you but it cannot keep you contented.  And I cannot rely now if I am still healthy since I am no longer doing workouts for the last two months.  And we become paranoid about everything, that when you feel different, you associate it with COVID.  Like when you suddenly feel pain on your body, like when you feel you’re warm but actually it’s only 36.9⁰ or like you immediately suspect it symptom when you feel a sore throat that you want to cough.

I am worrying of the security of my work. Do I still have work in the next six months or so? I am asking myself, after this pandemic, what work is awaiting for me? Do I still have this work I have right now? Many businesses have stopped and it resulted unemployment. If the curve have flattened and businesses resume to its operations, as a guest worker, is my job still belongs to me or will it given to unemployed local?

There are fears in my heart not only for myself but also for my family and friends. I am afraid of the jobs of my siblings, nephews, nieces and friends. Are banking, education, food services, BPOs, and transportation still essentials after this pandemic?  Do they still have works to go back?  Are my close friends secured in their job now?  I can't help but to feel the fear.  The feeling of you are afraid to lose the source of income to survive, especially in this difficult time, this what makes me afraid for all people dear to me.

We were all caught in surprise and we are not ready for it, and for the changes on post pandemic effect. We are all victims.  Many people undergo anxiety, fear, and maybe depression because of uncertainties.  We feel weird but we can overcome this, and we can rise, and our best weapons are cooperation, sacrifices, and prayers.  And let us believe that this crisis is beginning to come to an end.

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